We all love tricks, don’t we. We are always looking for shortcuts in life. Though shortcuts are not good in every context, in maths, particularly they prove to be quite helpful. Whether it is solving entrance exam questions or proving our mathematical acumen in front of friends, these prove to be game changers.

In the first of such tricks, I am going to teach you how you can get the square of any number between 90 and 100 within 2 seconds.

So let’s begin

  • Firstly, find the distance of number to be squared from 100.e.g. 99 is 1 away from 100, 98 is 2 away from 100 and so on.Let’s name this distance as ‘d’.
  • Subtract ‘d’ from the number to be squared. Also take square of ‘d’.
  • Combine the two numbers obtained in the previous step to get a four digit number which will be your required square.

I feel the description has gone far beyond our heads, so let’s simplify the above description with the help of following illustration.


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